In a triumphant return after a three-year hiatus, the Zhoushan Marathon commenced at 7:30 a.m. on Nov 19 at the Putuo Grand Theater. Boasting an international participation of 15,000 runners from 12 countries and regions, including Japan, Kenya, Singapore, Spain, and the United Kingdom, the event showcased the city's modern allure and rich historical heritage against the backdrop of breathtaking island scenery.
The racecourse was re-mapped, enabling runners to appreciate the charming view of the city. [Photo/WeChat account: zjzsqdxq]
The redesigned racecourse, featuring maritime elements like sea views, harbors, sailboats, and majestic bridges, provided a captivating blend of modernity and beauty. Participants, 72.3 percent of which were from outside Zhoushan, reveled in the gleaming coastal scenery and spirited cheers along the track.
After the race, runners lauded the city's beauty and the well-execution of the event. "Zhoushan is truly stunning" became the most frequent phrase circulated among the participants.
Runners make exciting gesture to the photographer. [Photo/WeChat account: zjzsqdxq]
One of the runners from outside Zhoushan praised the event's professionalism and thoughtful services, vowing to return next year.
Top honorees in the marathon included Zhang Xuekang from China in the men's group and Jackline Jeptanui from Kenya in the women's group.
Winners from the women's group, all from Kenya, receive awards. [Photo/WeChat account: zjzsqdxq]
The marathon, more than just a race, ignited the city. As the echoes of cheers fade, anticipation rises for next year's rendezvous. "Run, Zhoushan!" echoes through the air, promising another unforgettable event in the year ahead.