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Zhejiang wins 38 national science awards

Updated : 2021-11-05 (

An annual ceremony was held to honor distinguished scientists, engineers, and research achievements in Beijing, capital of China, on Nov 3.

The ceremony honored 264 projects, with 46 winning the State Natural Science Award, 61 the State Technological Invention Award, and 157 the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award.

Thirty-eight scientific achievements by Zhejiang were honored with these national awards, a record high.

Half of the award recipients were led by Zhejiang, with the number ranking third nationwide, only behind Beijing and Shanghai.

Zhejiang University presided over or had participated in 16 of these achievements, accounting for 42 percent of the total in the province.

Among the 16 projects, 11 were led by the university, the most among universities in China.

The research team led by Luo Yaozhi from Zhejiang University won the first-prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award.