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Zhoushan - My Magic Friend

Updated : 2019-07-12


Then in my heart was born a dream to be sure to visit this place. It happened a month after my arrival in China. I didn't even remember the exact name of this place, but I remembered the location on the map. After half a year there began real miracles associated with Zhoushan, which do not cease in my life until now. At the end of July 2016 my husband was invited to Zhoushan as a member of the official delegation of foreign experts, and I was fortunate to be invited as a wife. It was an unforgettable trip. We were invited by Zhejiang Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. It became big honor for us to be participants of such international delegation, which includes delegates from Argentina, Indonesia. Korea, Russia and Japan.

Thanks to this trip we discover for ourselves Zhejiang Zhoushan Archipelago New Area with its large harbors, crossing waterways, blue sky, cerulean sea, green islands, golden sand and ancient Buddhist temples.

East China Sea impressed me not only by itself. Everything in Zhoushan is united with sea. And all objects I had honor to see impressed me by their scales and significance.

On that first trip I only secretly dreamed that it would be so great to live and work in such a nice city, it seemed to be a pipe dream. I couldn’t even imagine that just a day after we return from our first trip, we were invited to Zhoushan to participate in a photo contest. And even more so I could not imagine that only in two months our new friend from Zhoushan called me and told me the happy news that there was a good position for me in Zhoushan and I could move and work in this city if I wanted. It looked like Zhoushan wanted me to stay it.

Now I have been living and working for almost two years. My husband also moved to Zhoushan, when his second contract with the university in Hangzhou ended and after a long break again engaged in oil painting. In this way, one more dream of ours was fulfilled.

Now for me, there will be not enough and a several thousand words to describe all beauty of this magnificent city and its islands, all joy and happiness which brings us life in this lovely and peaceful place. 

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